Unleash the power
your pricing

Optimize your prices with the power of Artificial Intelligence!

  • Collect data from your competitors (online and/or in-store)

  • Compare
    their prices against yours

  • Create
    your pricing strategy

  • Follow
    your price positioning


Competitor Price & Data scraping : On/Off line

Data collection from the internet (Price Scraping) and/or in physical stores (using a smartphone).

Product Matching

Linking of competing products (automatic based on EAN or compared using a proximity score).

Internal chaining and range consistency

Creation of links between references in your catalog based on criteria such as volume, capacity, formats, weight...

Pricing Strategy

Design, configuration, and implementation of your pricing strategy.

Modeling & Forecasting

Immediate analysis of your data through customized dashboards.


Easily interpret and analyze your KPIs with personalized and automated dashboards.

Optimix support is all-encompassing

They trust us

Logo les comptoirs de la bio
Logo Bio C Bon - Optimix
Logo So Bio - Optimix
Logo Majuscules - Optimix
Logo Io Buro - Optimix
Bureau Vallee logo
Weldom Martinique
Logo Leclerc les Antilles - Parfait Group
EasyPara logo
Buffalo Grill logo
Siplec Leclerc logo
Gifi logo
Auchan logo
Casino logo
Spar logo
Schiever logo
Boulanger logo
Beauty Success logo
Prodistribution logo
Conad logo
Rema 1000 logo
Logo Mr. Household appliances
Pharmavie logo
Logo Carrefour Antilles / GBH
Alkor logo

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