Supply Chain Solution

AI for Sales Forecasting & Supply Planning

Internal algorithmic engine for Machine and Deep Learning.


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for supply chain management.

Optimizing forecasts is crucial in the modern supply chain.

Thanks to new technologies, and in particular the integration of AI and advanced statistical modeling, Supply Chain and Logistics managers are supported in their decision-making.

The analysis and correction of historical sales data by our Deep Learning algorithmic engines enable us to anticipate supply chain needs. They become all the more relevant and important when the company has thousands of items and dozens of logistics warehouses.

Gathered in a single interface, this optimized data provides reliable forecasts tailored to each market.

Intelligent supply chain

Modules of our supply chain solution - XFR

Sales Histories Corrections

Evaluation of the impact of stock-outs, promotions, exceptional sales and special events.

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Sales & Demands Forecasts

Automatic anticipation of future flows and planning of all your resources.

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Stock optimization

Reduce inventory levels and increase the availability of your products.

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Orders Projections

Reliable suggestions that meet all your company's requirements.

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Delivery management

Instant visualization of your activity projections across your organization.

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We help retailers fine-tune their supply chain strategies thanks to ever more precise forecasts and optimized inventories.

Our Supply Chain solution optimizes demand forecasting, inventory management and procurement.

This is achieved by adjusting your sales history data to generate accurate predictions, allowing you to evaluate the effects of stock-outs, promotions, exceptional sales, or any other specific events. 

You’ll be able to manage your business more effectively by making more accurate projections.

Less overstocking = fewer breakages.

Guaranteed ROI < 6 months

Our expertise as a supply chain software publisher for the retail sector is based on a holistic approach to logistics flow management. Our supply chain solution has been designed to meet the complex challenges of the industry, with a particular focus on forecasting and inventory reduction.

Thanks to advanced algorithms and real-time data integration, accurate forecasts are at the heart of our supply chain software, providing greater visibility on future demand. This anticipation enables our customers to make informed decisions, optimize their processes and guarantee optimum product availability. Accurate forecasting is not just a benefit, but a necessity to avoid costly surpluses or damaging stock-outs.

Inventory reduction is another crucial aspect of our approach. We understand that maintaining a delicate balance between supply and demand is essential to a company’s profitability. With our supply chain software, companies can identify inventory reduction opportunities without compromising product availability. This translates into more efficient management of financial resources and a significant improvement in profitability.

Our role is not limited to supplying software. We also offer customized consulting services to help our customers maximize the benefits of our supply chain solution. Our experts work closely with operational teams to implement strategies tailored to the specific needs of each company.


How can one optimize their Supply Chain?

Optimizing the supply chain involves several key strategies to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction. Here are some effective methods:

  1. Process Automation: Utilize technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) to automate repetitive tasks and enhance accuracy.
  2. Inventory Management: Implement real-time inventory management systems to avoid overstocking and stockouts.
  3. Supplier Collaboration: Strengthen communication and collaboration with suppliers to ensure a smooth supply chain.
  4. Data Analysis: Use data analytics tools to predict demand, optimize delivery routes, and minimize delays.
  5. Sustainability: Adopt sustainable practices to reduce the carbon footprint and meet consumer expectations for environmental responsibility.

Managing the supply chain involves several risks that can disrupt operations. Here are the four main risks:

  1. Disruption Risks: Natural disasters, geopolitical crises, or pandemics can interrupt the supply chain.
  2. Financial Risks: Fluctuations in exchange rates, rising costs of raw materials, and cash flow issues can affect profitability.
  3. Compliance Risks: Failing to adhere to local and international regulations can lead to sanctions and financial losses.
  4. Operational Risks: Quality issues, equipment failures, and human errors can lead to delays and additional costs.

The supply chain service encompasses all activities related to managing the flow of goods, information, and finances from suppliers to end customers. This includes:

  • Inventory Planning and Management: Ensure product availability while minimizing storage costs.
  • Logistics and Transportation: Optimize routes and transport modes for fast and economical delivery.
  • Supplier Management: Select and collaborate with suppliers to ensure quality and reliability.
  • Returns Management: Efficiently handle returned products to maximize value recovery.

Push Supply Chain

The push supply chain is based on demand forecasts to plan production and distribution of products. Characteristics and benefits include:

  1. Forecast-based Planning: Companies use forecasting models to estimate future demand and plan production accordingly.
  2. Inventory Management: Products are manufactured and stored before actual demand is known, ensuring constant product availability.
  3. Operational Efficiency: Bulk production optimizes resource usage, reduces production costs, and minimizes disruptions.
  4. Challenges: The main difficulties lie in the accuracy of forecasts. Overproduction can lead to excess inventory and high storage costs, while underproduction can cause stockouts.

Pull Supply Chain:

The pull supply chain, on the other hand, is triggered by actual customer demand. Characteristics and benefits include:

  1. Demand Responsiveness: Production and distribution are initiated only in response to an actual order, allowing for quick adjustment to fluctuating demand.
  2. Inventory Reduction: By producing only what is necessary, companies can minimize inventory levels and associated storage costs.
  3. Flexibility: This model allows companies to quickly adapt to changes in demand, new market trends, and specific customer needs.
  4. Challenges: The pull supply chain requires tight coordination with suppliers and the ability to respond quickly. Delivery times may be longer if production is not immediately available.

The supply chain is built on several fundamental pillars that ensure its efficiency, responsiveness, and ability to meet customer expectations. Key pillars include:

  1. Planning and Forecasting: The foundation of an effective supply chain, involving the use of historical data, statistical models, and market analysis to predict future demand.
  2. Procurement Management: Crucial for ensuring that raw materials and components are available when needed and in sufficient quantities.
  3. Production and Manufacturing: The core of the supply chain, involving all processes related to transforming raw materials into finished products.
  4. Logistics and Distribution: Manages the physical flow of finished products from production facilities to end customers.
  5. Technology and Innovation: Essential for modernizing and continuously improving the supply chain through advanced technologies and data-driven decision making.
  6. Sustainability and Social Responsibility: Increasingly important in supply chain management, focusing on minimizing environmental impact and adopting ethical and responsible practices.
Editeur de logiciels de Pricing et Supply chain
Pricing and Supply chain software Editor

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