Pricing Strategy Solution

This module is the heart of our solution, enabling the creation and management of customized pricing rules based on your costs, margins, market trends and sales volumes.

It also integrates AI to adjust your prices in line with your sales strategy and objectives.

Create unlimited pricing rules - Pricing software for retail

Create unlimited pricing rules

Create customized pricing rules based on criteria such as costs, margins, market trends and sales volumes.

Our module makes it easy to manage an unlimited number of pricing rules to adjust your prices according to your sales strategy and specific objectives.

Additionally, using mass price change rules based on predefined parameters, while therefore providing the flexibility to manually adjust prices per product and per store. Retailers can achieve the perfect balance between operational efficiency and fine-tuned decision-making. This guarantees them optimal responsiveness to changing market dynamics.

A catalog of management rules and statistical models at your disposal

Our solution includes a comprehensive catalog of business rules and statistical models based on best market practices.

What’s more, you have access to a variety of rules for alignment, margins, sales price evolution and more.

These rules and templates are designed to help you optimize your prices. They take into account relevant market and business factors.

A catalog of business rules and statistical models at your disposal - XPA - Pricing software for the retail sector
profit margins in 6 months
+ 0 %
increase in revenue in 6 months
+ 0 %
time saved per Category Manager
+ 0 %

*6 months after deployment in 45 stores.

XPA - Pricing software for retail - algorithmic modules

"Best fit" algorithmic modules

Our solution uses advanced algorithms, such as“best fit“, to optimize prices. With your objectives in mind, she evaluates historical data, market trends and product costs.

So make informed decisions to maximize revenue, reduce price gaps and optimize margins.

Versatile price management module

In just a few clicks, you can choose to use the full version of the solution at head office, for example, or opt for a lighter version deployed at store level.

This gives you maximum flexibility without the need for specific developments.

XPA - Pricing software for retail -A highly flexible pricing management module
XPA - Pricing software for retail - Product assortment segmentation

Product assortment segmentation

Segment your product assortment according to various analysis axes such as department, competitors, brands, clusters, and more.

This segmentation enables you to better understand your different product segments and adjust your pricing strategies accordingly.

Definition and application of price rankings

Choose price ranks for each store, cluster or product family. These price ranks help you manage price variations and apply consistent pricing strategies across your entire distribution network.

Our module facilitates price assembly by grouping products according to specific criteria.

Create consistent sets of products for which you want to apply similar pricing strategies. Efficiently manage your assortment and ensure appropriate pricing for each product group.

XPA - Logiciel de pricing pour le retail - Price tiers - Definition and assembly
XPA - Pricing software for retail - maintaining margins

Margin maintenance and compensation

Ensure the preservation of your profit margin by effectively maintaining and compensating it when implementing strategies across various product categories. Intelligently adapt prices while safeguarding your overall profit margin.

Elasticity calculations

Our module integrates elasticity calculations to assess the sensitivity of prices to demand.

This enables you to understand how price variations can influence sales volumes and adjust your pricing strategies accordingly.

XPA - Pricing software for retail - elasticity calculation
XPA - Pricing software for retail workflow validation

Validation workflow

Our solution offers a robust validation workflow, enabling seamless collaboration between pricers, category managers and management.

You can define clear validation steps and responsibilities to ensure consistent approval of pricing decisions. This ensures efficient decision-making and a pricing strategy aligned with your company’s business objectives.

Category-based competitor identification

Easily identify competitors in each product category.

Monitor and analyze the competition to understand their price positioning and adjust your strategy accordingly.

XPA - Pricing software for the retail industry competitor identification
XPA - Pricing software suite for the retail sector - identification analysis price positioning

Pricing positioning analysis

Carry out a detailed analysis of your competitors’ price positioning.

Collect and organize pricing data from your competitors, and evaluate their pricing to compare their offers with yours.

Price sensitivity measurement by category

Analyze sales data and assess how price changes affect demand.

This understanding of price sensitivity enables you to define more precise pricing strategies and optimize your profit margins.

XPA - Pricing software for retail, price sensitivity measurement
XPA - Pricing software for retail - Identification of marketing levers acting on marketing prices

Identification of marketing levers impacting price

Identify the marketing levers that influence product pricing.

Analyze factors such as branding, promotions, advertising campaigns and other marketing initiatives to understand their impact on pricing.

Adjust your pricing strategies in line with these levers to maximize your sales results.

Establishment of rules and control procedures

Define custom rules and controls to fine-tune your pricing.

Configure specific criteria such as target margins, price caps, authorized promotions, etc.

These rules and controls guarantee consistency and conformity in your pricing decisions.

XPA - Pricing software for retailers - control rules
XPA - Pricing software for retail - Import of external data

Import of External Data

Import relevant external data and integrate your data from sources such as suppliers, pricing databases, market studies and more.

This feature enriches your analysis and helps you make decisions based on up-to-date data.

XPA progressive pricing simulation and iteration

Simulations and Iterations

Run simulations and successive iterations to evaluate different pricing strategies. Test different assumptions, adjust pricing variables and analyze the results of each simulation.

This helps you refine your approach and find the optimal pricing strategy.

KPIs and custom dashboards

Create customized dashboards to track and analyze metrics such as margins, sales, profitability, price sensitivity, etc.

These dashboards give you a clear view of the performance of your pricing strategy.

XPA - Pricing software for retailers - customized dashboards and KPIs
XPA - Pricing software for retail - version evaluation

Evaluation of the most relevant versions

Evaluate different versions of your pricing strategy and determine the most relevant ones. Compare results, analyze performance and make informed decisions about which version to implement.

This evaluation therefore helps you to continually optimize your pricing approach.

Definition of automatic execution scheduling

Define an automatic execution schedule for your pricing strategies. You can also set up rules to automate price updates at specific times, according to your business needs.

So save time and ensure regular execution of your strategies.

XPA - Pricing software for retail - Definition of automatic execution schedules
XPA - Pricing software for retail Simulated price control and alerts

Simulated price control and alerts

Our module includes simulated price monitoring and alerts features. In fact, you can run pricing simulations to assess the potential impact on your products, then check the simulated prices before applying them.

Additionally, in the event of a significant deviation or irregularity, our solution can generate alerts to inform you and allow you to take necessary action.

Supervision and treatment history

Monitor processing progress in real time, check for any errors and access a detailed history of every operation performed.

In addition, this functionality allows you to maintain control and guarantee the integrity of your pricing data.

XPA - keep control and guarantee the integrity of your pricing data
XPA - Easily export validated prices to your back office and generate files compatible with your existing infrastructure for seamless integration of prices into your management system.

Export of the prices to your back-office

Finally, easily export validated prices to your back office and generate files compatible with your existing infrastructure for smooth integration of prices into your management system. 

This makes it easier to update prices across all of your sales channels and ensures consistency of pricing information.


« Optimix XPA is a very interesting tool. It has already allowed me to identify and correct pricing anomalies shortly after taking over my new store in Nice. I have just discovered that I can automate the generation of my analysis projects. I can't wait to use it for my other local stores.  Â»

« Optimix is a highly effective pricing tool that enables us to adapt our pricing to our competitive context and margin objectives. Optimix offers the option to work at the item, category, or even based on national top sales, either individually or simultaneously, as well as on private label products, national brands, and regional products.  Â»

« With the Optimix XPA solution, Bureau VallĂ©e reduced errors, optimized competitive analysis (BtoB/BtoC) and refined planogram preparation, thus gaining in productivity. In 9 months, the ROI was achieved: the business teams halved their alignment time, linking over 12,000 products in 3 minutes. A real performance driver for the retailer. Â»

« Optimix significantly improved our pricing management, enabling smoother operations and faster implementation without issues. The solution adapts to our evolving needs, thanks to continuous development and tailored functionalities. The implementation process was seamless, with exceptional support: rapid responses, quick issue resolution, and a deep understanding of business needs. Optimix has proven to be an invaluable partner in optimizing our processes. Â»

« Optimix XPA has transformed our pricing strategy thanks to precise analyses and enhanced responsiveness. Change management support was key, with effective team training for rapid adoption. The result: significant time savings on time-consuming tasks, enabling teams to concentrate on high value-added actions. Â»

They trust us


Stratégie tarifaire et de pricing

FAQ 1 : Comment OptimiX adapte sa Solution de Pricing aux spécificités de mon réseau / organisation ?

OptimiX XPA, solution de pricing est compatible avec tous les types de réseaux (intégrés/franchisés/hybrides) et répond aussi bien aux contraintes offline que online (réseau de magasin, pure player, stratégie omnicanale).

Notre standard inclut des paramétrages qui conviennent à tous ces scénarios, sans développements spécifiques.

Le prix est souvent l’une des principales considĂ©rations pour les consommateurs lorsqu’ils dĂ©cident d’acheter un produit. Avoir une stratĂ©gie de pricing bien dĂ©finie permet de fixer des prix compĂ©titifs, tout en garantissant la rentabilitĂ© de l’entreprise. En outre, dans un environnement de marchĂ© dynamique oĂą les tendances Ă©voluent rapidement, comme pendant les pĂ©riodes de pandĂ©mie, d’inflation ou de turbulences, une stratĂ©gie de pricing flexible et rĂ©active est essentielle pour suivre ces Ă©volutions.

Par exemple, le module de gestion des stratĂ©gies tarifaires de XPA offre une telle flexibilitĂ©, permettant aux retailers d’ajuster rapidement leurs prix en rĂ©ponse aux dynamiques changeantes du marchĂ©.

Enfin, une stratégie de pricing solide, basée sur des données fiables et des analyses détaillées, garantit une prise de décision éclairée, maximise les revenus, réduit les écarts de prix et optimise les marges.

DĂ©terminer les prix de vente dans le cadre d’une stratĂ©gie de pricing nĂ©cessite une approche systĂ©matique. Il est essentiel de collecter, de nettoyer et de prĂ©parer les donnĂ©es pertinentes pour qu’elles soient prĂŞtes Ă  ĂŞtre utilisĂ©es dans les algorithmes de pricing.

Des outils comme XPA proposent des modules dĂ©diĂ©s Ă  ces Ă©tapes. Une fois les donnĂ©es prĂ©parĂ©es, elles peuvent ĂŞtre analysĂ©es Ă  l’aide d’algorithmes avancĂ©s, tels que le « best fit », pour optimiser les prix en tenant compte des objectifs de l’entreprise, des donnĂ©es historiques, des tendances du marchĂ© et des coĂ»ts des produits. 

Les entreprises peuvent également définir des règles tarifaires personnalisées basées sur des critères tels que les coûts, les marges, les tendances du marché, et les volumes de vente.

Une stratégie de pricing efficace peut grandement contribuer à la fidélisation des clients. En offrant une tarification adaptée et compétitive, les clients perçoivent une valeur ajoutée.

Si les clients estiment qu’ils obtiennent une bonne valeur pour leur argent, ils sont plus susceptibles de revenir. De plus, une stratĂ©gie de pricing flexible permet aux retailers de s’adapter rapidement aux dynamiques changeantes du marchĂ©, garantissant que les prix restent compĂ©titifs mĂŞme en pĂ©riode de turbulence.

Par ailleurs, l’utilisation d’outils tels que XPA permet aux retailers d’ajuster leurs prix en fonction des tendances du marchĂ©, des coĂ»ts, des marges et d’autres critères pertinents, garantissant ainsi que les prix reflètent toujours la valeur actuelle du produit.

  1. Stratégie de pénétration de marché

 AdoptĂ©e lors du lancement d’un nouveau produit sur un marchĂ© concurrentiel, elle consiste Ă  fixer un prix infĂ©rieur Ă  celui de la concurrence pour attirer rapidement une large clientèle. Toutefois, une fidĂ©lisation client solide est essentielle pour maintenir l’engagement lorsque le prix augmente par la suite.

  1. StratĂ©gie d’Ă©crĂ©mage

Cette politique fixe des prix Ă©levĂ©s pour les nouveaux produits, en ciblant des clients Ă  fort pouvoir d’achat ou face Ă  une faible concurrence. Avec la saturation du marchĂ©, le prix peut ĂŞtre rĂ©duit pour attirer d’autres segments.

  1. Stratégie de fixation de prix fondée sur la valeur

Le prix est déterminé en fonction de la valeur perçue par les consommateurs. Elle est adaptée pour les produits de luxe, ou ceux avec des caractéristiques distinctives, permettant de capitaliser sur leurs aspects uniques.

  1. Stratégie de prix basée sur la concurrence

Cette stratégie prend en compte les prix pratiqués par les concurrents. Selon cette méthode, les entreprises peuvent choisir de fixer leurs prix légèrement en dessous, au même niveau ou légèrement au-dessus de ceux de leurs concurrents, nécessitant une veille constante du marché.

  1. Stratégie de prix par majoration des coûts

Simple et directe, elle consiste Ă  ajouter un pourcentage de profit aux coĂ»ts totaux de production d’un produit. Bien que cette mĂ©thode ne tienne pas compte du positionnement concurrentiel, elle garantit que tous les coĂ»ts sont couverts.

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Price watch – In-store and online price survey – Product matching and range consistency –
Smart Pricing – Elasticity calculation