Managing your supply chain, product availability and working capital: a real balancing act!

At the start of the 21st century, mastering the supply chain has become vital for all retailers.

Supply Chain and Logistics Departments have to constantly juggle supply and demand, workload and capacity, reserves and availability, while bringing together multiple players. In this context, inventory control, guaranteed product availability and management of the Working capital requirements (WCR) are akin to a balancing act.

Let’s take a closer look at the key elements and discover how they fit together.

Inventory management: a central element of the supply chain

Supply chain management requires delicate balancing skills. The aim is to harmonize supply and demand, and manage workloads in line with capacity.

But also to maintain a balance between stock levels and product availability, while coordinating the various players involved. Recently, the complexity of this already demanding task has increased, highlighting the challenge of inventory management.

Indeed, we have always been faced with the need to strike a balance between service rates, which tend to increase inventory levels.

But also with cash management, which seeks to reduce these inventory levels. More recently, two factors have added to the complexity of this equation:

  • On the one hand, shortages and increased pressure on supplies have become increasingly predominant elements in the difficulties we face. As we pointed out in a previous article, these factors are becoming structural as a result of increasingly complex geopolitics and limited available resources.

    This leads to increased demand in terms of stock levels, which are no longer simply intended to absorb the vagaries of a few days, but extend over several weeks or even months.

  • Many economists agree that the transition to more environmentally-friendly practices is generating inflation, and this situation of inflation in excess of 2% could persist.

    As a result, inventory holding costs are rising, reinforcing the need for tighter control of our stock levels.

Inventory management at the heart of the supply chain

At the heart of the supply chain, storage is vital. Good stock levels guarantee smooth operations. This avoids delays and minimizes costs for the company.

If there’s too much stock, warehouses will be clogged and costs will rise rapidly.

Conversely, if there is too little stock, the shortage will will intensify. Customers will be unhappy and sales will be lost.

Availability: ensuring the continuous flow of the supply chain

The cornerstone of a retailer’s success lies in the availability of its products. For supply chain managers, guaranteeing a continuous flow is essential.

Imagine a customer strolling through your store or visiting your online site. Their expectation is simple: find the product they want, when they want it. This means that your supply chain must be optimized to respond rapidly to fluctuations in demand, while maintaining manageable inventory levels. It’s the promise you make to your customers, and keeping it is essential to building and maintaining their trust.

Supply chain must ensure product availability. This requires perfect coordination between suppliers, carriers and sales outlets. Delays or unavailabilities disrupt this flow. This creates bottlenecks that can have repercussions throughout the chain. If the problem is not solved quickly, the company may suffer losses that could have dramatic consequences.


Working capital and supply chain: managing funds to streamline operations

WCR is the financial reflection of supply chain operations. A well-managed WCR means that supply chain operations are synchronized with financial requirements. In fact, it makes it possible toto avoid cash-flow tensions and ensure that each link in the chain has the resources it needs to operate efficiently.

One of the key challenges for supply chain managers is to strike the right balance between maintaining an adequate WCR and keeping operations running smoothly. Too much WCR can tie up cash, while too little WCR can lead to cash flow problems and delays in operations.

Efficient inventory management is essential to maintain an optimal WCR. This means minimizing excess stock levels while guaranteeing product availability to meet customer demand. Advanced inventory management systems and close collaboration with suppliers are valuable tools for achieving this balance.

The supply chain: a delicate balance

Every element of the supply chain is interconnected. Inventory management influences availability, which in turn affects WCR. One holistic visionis therefore necessary to ensure that each part works harmoniously with the others.


The supply chain is constantly evolving, and management is constantly looking for ways to improve.

One of the keys to effective supply chain management is improved forecasting. A better understanding of market trends and customer needs can enable more accurate planning, reducing the costs associated with overproduction or stock shortages.

Flexibility is also essential, whether to react quickly to variations in demand or to explore new distribution models. Rethinking existing workflows can contribute to greater operational efficiency.

Agility is just as important in supply chain management. Being able to react quickly to disruptions, whether routine or crisis-related, can make all the difference. Agility can be enhanced through proactive planning, diversification of supply sources and process automation.

Setting up control towers to monitor operations is a key element in effective supply chain management. These control towers provide real-time visibility of performance, enabling more informed decision-making and rapid reaction to emerging problems.

The future of the supply chain

The future of the supply chain relies on the integration of advanced technologies such as Big Data, AI (Artificial Intelligence) and IoT (Internet of Things). These tools can revolutionize management by providing valuable information, automating repetitive tasks and improving decision-making. Using these solutions can take your supply chain performance to the next level.


Identify risks and provide an appropriate response

Proactive planning

Use forecasting tools to anticipate demand and adjust stock levels accordingly. This allows you to remain responsive to your customers’ supply and demand.

Supplier diversification

Avoid dependence on a single supplier. With multiple sources of supply, you can reduce the risk of interruption in the event of a problem with a supplier.

Logistics optimization

By investing in modern logistics management systems, companies can quickly obtain goods in the event of unforeseen obstacles.. They will therefore be at the cutting edge of technology, and will be able to position themselves more easily against their competitors.

Team training and awareness

Make sure your staff are trained to identify and manage risks. A well-trained team can often prevent a problem before it becomes a crisis. Thanks to this team training, the company can remain competitive in its market.


As you can see, mastery of the supply chain is essential, and by focusing on inventory management, availability and working capital, companies can ensure the fluidity, efficiency and profitability of their operations.

Identifying and managing risks is essential to ensure business continuity. By adopting a proactive approach, companies can not only minimize disruption, but also gain a competitive edge, by being more reactive and resilient in the face of the unexpected.

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