Price watch - Price survey - Data collection

Online and/or in-store data collection enables you to acquire strategic knowledge of your competitive perimeter, for more reliable price positioning.

Optimize your competitiveness and boost your sales by developing a precise pricing and sales strategy.

Competitors' price list

Price Statement and Data Collection

A pricing management solution should have the ability to collect competitive data in real time.

Retailers need to track their competitors’ prices, current promotions, stock levels and other information to be able to create pricing rules that respond quickly to market changes and remain competitive.

Thanks to efficient data collection, retail players can plan their pricing and inventory strategies with greater precision.

Store price application

In-store price check - Mobile application

  • Android application created by Optimix.
  • In-store price collection, online or offline.
  • Possibility of displaying the last known price.
  • Real-time price feedback to pricing tools.
  • Use of consumer Android smartphones or ruggedized models with integrated laser scanner.
  • Survey campaign management.
  • Creation of recurring or one-off campaigns.
  • View planned and completed campaigns
  • Smartphone view, list of surveys to be carried out by an interviewer

  • Displaying a setpoint on a reading

Online Price Monitoring - Webcrawling

Capture data directly from your competitors’ websites, retrieve information about their assortment, and feed your pricing database with up-to-date and extensive competitive information:

  • Retrieve essential data such as prices, product availability, promotional details, stock-out information, delivery timelines, customer reviews, and more
  • Customize the frequency of data collection to suit your needs
  • Data integration for product matching
  • Feed this data into your pricing strategies
  • Positioning and pricing analysis
Web Data Collect (Crawling) - Pricing software for retailers

Collection of all product characteristics

It’s essential to capture all the product variants your competitors offer.

The module collects and differentiates variants, such as sizes, colors, models, … enabling you to obtain a precise picture of your competitors’ entire assortment and identify differences and similarities between product variants.

What’s more, the information gathered from your competitors will facilitate the automated identification of links to national brands, encouraging the creation of connections with private labels.

Permanent products vs marketplace

In e-commerce, it is common for players to offer both permanent products from their own inventory and products from third-party sellers via marketplaces. Our solution is designed to differentiate between these two types of category, enabling you to better understand the composition of your competitors’ assortments and monitor pricing strategies specific to each product type.

Permanent products vs marketplace - Pricing software for retailers
Price monitoring - Optimix XPA

Monitoring and Probing

Our solution incorporates a control and probe system that constantly monitors your competitors’ websites for price changes, new product launches or significant variations in the number of products available. This information enables you to react quickly to market developments and adjust your own pricing strategy accordingly.

Customized Promotion Detection and Processing

Our solution incorporates an advanced detection tool that automatically identifies competing promotions and analyzes them in detail. Valuable information on the types of promotions offered, their duration, their impact on prices, etc. is recovered.

By combining these various features within our pricing solution, we provide you with in-depth visibility into competitive data, enabling you to make informed pricing decisions and maintain a strong competitive edge in the retail market.

Promotion detection and processing - Pricing software for retailers


« Optimix XPA is a very interesting tool. It has already allowed me to identify and correct pricing anomalies shortly after taking over my new store in Nice. I have just discovered that I can automate the generation of my analysis projects. I can't wait to use it for my other local stores.  »

« Optimix is a highly effective pricing tool that enables us to adapt our pricing to our competitive context and margin objectives. Optimix offers the option to work at the item, category, or even based on national top sales, either individually or simultaneously, as well as on private label products, national brands, and regional products.  »

« The Optimix Pricing XPA solution enables us to track the daily fluctuations in internal purchase prices as well as our competitors' selling prices so we can swiftly adapt our pricing strategy to ensure we achieve our desired margin or gain a competitive edge in the market. »

+ 0 %
profit margins in 6 months
+ 0 %
increase in revenue in 6 months
+ 0 %
time saved per Category Manager

*6 months after deployment in 45 stores.

They trust us

Logo les comptoirs de la bio
Logo Bio C Bon - Optimix
Logo So Bio - Optimix
Logo Majuscules - Optimix
Logo Io Buro - Optimix
Bureau Vallee logo
Weldom Martinique
Logo Leclerc les Antilles - Parfait Group
EasyPara logo
Buffalo Grill logo
Siplec Leclerc logo
Gifi logo
Auchan logo
Casino logo
Spar logo
Schiever logo
Boulanger logo
Beauty Success logo
Prodistribution logo
Conad logo
Rema 1000 logo
Logo Mr. Household appliances
Pharmavie logo
Logo Carrefour Antilles / GBH
Alkor logo

FAQ Price survey - Data collection

FAQ 1: What information can you retrieve from websites?

We can collect all available information from your competitors’ websites, including prices, promotional prices, product descriptions, photos, EAN codes, categorization/classification, features, availability/stock, store details, and much more.

Price monitoring in retail allows you to sell more effectively and efficiently as it provides a precise overview of the competition, enabling you to adjust your prices to stay competitive. Additionally, it helps identify pricing trends, optimize your margins, and meet customer expectations for value, thus enhancing your profitability and market position.

Data collection is crucial in retail because it enables businesses to understand customer behaviors and preferences, optimize their product offerings, enhance operational efficiency, personalize customer experiences, make data-driven decisions, and ultimately, increase their sales and profitability. By using data wisely, companies can stay competitive, anticipate market trends, and quickly adapt to changing consumer needs.

Automating price monitoring helps retail chains optimize their price management, improve their competitiveness in the market, and enhance customer experience, which translates to increased sales and profitability. The benefits include:

  • Time and efficiency savings: Automation enables the quick and precise collection and analysis of price data, reducing manual workload.
  • Reduction in human errors: Automated systems minimize data entry or interpretation errors, ensuring increased accuracy.
  • Increased responsiveness: Chains can adjust prices more rapidly based on competition, promotions, and market trends.
  • Margin optimization: Automated data helps identify opportunities for increasing margins by strategically adjusting prices.
  • Informed decision-making: Real-time information facilitates data-driven decision-making to enhance profitability.
  • Improved competitiveness: By staying competitive with pricing, chains can attract more customers and maintain their market share.
  • Better customer experience: Accurate and competitive pricing contributes to customer satisfaction and loyalty.

The XPA solution is designed to meet the needs of retailers operating both online and offline. For e-commerce, it offers Web Data Collect tools, control and probing functionalities, and distinguishes permanent products from marketplace offerings. For physical stores, the Android price monitoring app allows retailers to collect data in both online and offline modes, display the last known price, and relay real-time price updates to pricing tools.

The in-store price monitoring app is an Android application that enables retailers to collect price data in stores, whether in online or offline mode. It offers the ability to display the last known price, sending real-time updates to pricing tools. Users can use both standard consumer Android smartphones or rugged models with an integrated laser scanner. The app also facilitates the management of monitoring campaigns, allowing for the creation of recurring or one-time campaigns and the visualization of planned or completed campaigns.

Editeur de logiciels de Pricing et Supply chain
Pricing and Supply chain software Editor

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